Short Doctrinal
We believe in and teach:
- The verbal
inspiration and authority of the Bible, and that it reveals God the
Father, the fall of man, Gods clear plan of salvation, and His
plan and purpose in the past, present, and future eternity.
- The Trinity:
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- The Deity,
Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Eternal
salvation by grace. That Faith and Repentance are the only conditions
to Salvation.
- The justification
of people through faith alone, and that we are judged righteous before
God only through the merit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- The unending
and conscious reward for the saved, and the everlasting, continuous,
and conscious punishment of the lost in a literal Hell.
- The visible,
personal, and victorious return of our Lord.
- The present
New Testament Church, as a baptized, local body of believers, who have
covenanted together to make disciples, baptize, and teach Christian
- Two Christian
ordinances being: The baptism of believers by immersion in water, by
the authority of the local church, to show the death, burial, and resurrection
to new life of the believer and his commitment to follow the Lord Jesus
Christ, and the Lords Supper as the proclamation and commemoration
of His death until He returns.
- The Biblical
record as stated in Genesis, including the six day creation of the universe
and everything in it, Adam and Eve as the progenitor of all human life,
the literal Fall and its resultant curse on creation, and the worldwide
Flood and its cataclysmic effect.
- The literal
existence of Satan, as an evil and powerful adversary, who acts as personal
tempter and accuser, and in his current and future defeat at the hands
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.